Welcome to our website (“www.villamannelli.it”). Please read our Privacy Policy carefully, which applies whether you are accessing the website and simply deciding to browse through it and use its services, without purchasing any product, or if you visit www.villamelete. com, decide to browse and use its services and purchase products. Please also read, if you have not already done so, the terms and conditions of use of www.villamannelli.it because they contain important information on privacy and the security systems adopted by the website. www.villamannelli.it is managed and maintained by: Villa Mannelli, based in Italy, Via Costa, 64 – 56024 – Loc. Ponte a Egola – San Miniato (PI), which is the owner of the processing of personal data.

Our policy

Anyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him. Villa Mannelli respects the right of its users to be informed regarding the collection and other processing operations of their personal data. In the processing of data that can, directly or indirectly, identify you, we try to respect a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, we have configured www.villamannelli.it in such a way that the use of your personal data is reduced to a minimum and in such a way as to exclude the processing of your data when the purposes pursued in individual cases can be achieved by use of anonymous data (such as, for example, in market research aimed at improving services) or by other means, which allow identification of the data subject only in case of need or at the request of authorities and police forces (such as example, for traffic data and your stay on the website or your IP address). The decisions regarding the purposes, the methods of processing of your personal data and the tools used, including the security profile, are the responsibility of Villa Meléte, as the data controller of the personal data of users of www.villamannelli.it pursuant to the legislative decree June 30, 2003, No. 196 (Privacy Code). This Privacy Policy provides you with all useful information to understand how we collect and use the information that identifies users of www.villamannelli.it. For any other information on our Privacy Policy you can send requests to the e-mail address info@villamannelli.it or to Villa Mélete at the address of the registered office indicated above.

Who treats your personal data, how and for what purposes

Villa Mannelli is the data controller of the personal data of users of www.villamannelli.it; decides on the purposes and methods of data processing and on the tools to be used also with regard to the security profile. Due to exclusively organizational and functional requirements, we have appointed certain persons responsible for processing the personal data of users of www.villamannelli.it, for purposes strictly connected and related to the provision of services on www.villamannelli.it, including the sale of products and services. These managers have been chosen because they have demonstrated to have experience, skills and reliability and to provide suitable guarantees of full compliance with the current provisions on treatment, including the data security profile. The managers process the personal data of the users of www.villamelete.com according to the instructions given by Villa Mannelli. We periodically check that those responsible have punctually fulfilled the tasks entrusted to them and that they continue to provide suitable guarantees of full compliance with the provisions regarding the protection of personal data.

To get the complete list of data processors, please contact Customer Service or send an email to the following email address: info@villamannelli.it Your personal data is collected and processed by Villa Mannelli for purposes strictly related to the use of the website, its services and the purchase of products through the website. Your personal data may also be used in other processing operations, in any case, in terms compatible with those purposes. In particular, your personal data may be processed for the following purposes: • as part of the registration process to the website, we collect your personal data (such as e-mail address, your personal data, password) through the relevant registration form (My Account) to provide you with access services to reserved areas and services of www.villamannelli. it and for sending the Newsletter by e-mail, where expressly requested;
• to provide support services (Customer Service), we collect your personal data (such as e-mail address and password) for purposes necessary to give you all the information about the services of www.villamannelli.it and the purchase of products and services on www.villamannelli.it • as part of the process of purchasing products on www.villamannelli.it we collect your personal data (such as, for example, personal data, e-mail address, postal address, card credit and bank details, telephone number) through the order form for the sale of products on www.villamannelli.it;
• as part of the request for technical assistance services, we collect your personal data to provide you with information about navigation problems, browser compatibility and the display or upload of the web pages of www.villamannelli.it • as part of the creation of the Wish List we process your data for the purpose of customizing the products purchase services on www.villamannelli.it.

Your personal data is mainly processed in electronic format and in some cases also in paper format, such as when the processing of your data is necessary to prevent fraud on www.villamannelli.it. Your personal data will be stored in the form that allows your identification for the time strictly necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, within the limits of the law. To ensure that your personal data is always accurate and up-to-date, however relevant and complete, please report any change to the following email address: info@villamannelli.it Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by the reads or without your express consent. In addition to companies that act as data processors, your data is also made available to third parties, independent data controllers, for accessory purposes and related to the provision of services requested by the user (for example, for transactions related to purchases). For details on this aspect, see what was said later in paragraph 5 (To whom we communicate your personal data). You can at any time obtain an updated list of data processors by writing to the following email address: info@villamannelli.it


In addition, your data may be disclosed to police or judicial authorities, in accordance with the law and upon formal request by such subjects, for example in the context of the anti-fraud services of www.villamannelli.it. Your data will also be accessible to the Data Processors as indicated in paragraph 2 and for the specific purposes indicated in the same paragraph. In all these cases your consent is not necessary. Your personal data will not be transferred abroad to countries other than those belonging to the European Union, which do not ensure adequate levels of protection for people. If this is necessary to provide you with the services or to conclude a contract with Villa Mannelli for the purchase of the products, we assure you that the transfer of your personal data to countries that do not belong to the European Union and that do not ensure levels of protection adequate, will be performed only after the conclusion between Villa Mannelli and said subjects of specific contracts, containing safeguard clauses for the protection of your personal data, in accordance with the law and applicable regulations. We inform you that Villa Mannelli treats the personal data of its users only for purposes strictly connected to the provision of services on www.villamannelli.it, to the conclusion of product sales contracts and, subject to your consent, to communicate new commercial initiatives closely linked to the activities and services of the website.

Villa Mannelli treats your personal data for direct marketing purposes, even by e-mail, only with your consent. The purposes for which your personal data are processed will in any case be specifically disclosed, from time to time, in the information text that Villa Mannelli submits to the user on the page where the provision of personal data is required. It can happen that Villa Mannelli is dealing with personal data of third parties communicated directly by its users to Villa Mannelli, for example if the user you have purchased a product to be delivered to a friend or when the person who pays the price for the purchase of the product is different from the subject to whom the product is destined, or again when the user intends to report to a friend a service or product in sale on www.villamannelli.it. In all these cases be sure to obtain the consent of the person to whom the data refer before communicating them to Villa Mannelli, and to inform you about this Privacy Policy because you will be the only one responsible for the communication of information and data relating to third parties, without these having expressly requested it, and for their incorrect or contrary use to the law. In any case, Villa Mannelli, within the limits of what is prescribed by the law, complies with the obligation to inform the reported user and, where necessary, will request his express consent, when registering their personal data in their files .

What happens if you do not release your personal data to Villa Mannelli

The provision of your personal data to Villa Mannelli and, in particular, the personal data, your e-mail address, your postal address, your credit / debit card and bank details and telephone number is necessary with regards to the conclusion of the contract for the purchase of products on www.villamannelli.it. Some of these data could be, vice versa, indispensable for the provision of other services rendered on the website at your request or to fulfill obligations arising from laws or regulations. Any refusal to indicate, at Villa Mannelli, some of your data necessary for these purposes could make it impossible to execute the purchase contract of the products on www.villamannelli.it or to provide the other services available on www.villamannelli.it – such as to provide assistance services (Customer Service), to send the Newsletter, to use the Wish List, to show an article to a friend – or, again, to properly comply with legal and regulatory obligations. Failure to provide the data may therefore constitute, depending on the case, a legitimate and justified reason for not executing the product purchase contract on www.villamannelli.it or the provision of services via www.villamannelli.it. Villa Mannelli for further data, other than the mandatory data, for the purpose of fulfilling its legal or contractual obligations or for the provision of certain services on request is, however, optional and does not entail any consequence for the use of the website and its services or for the purchase of products on www.villamannelli.it.

Depending on the case and, if necessary, from time to time, we will duly inform you of the mandatory or optional nature of the communication of your personal data to Villa Mannelli. We will highlight the mandatory or optional nature of the communication of your data, by putting a special character (*) to the information of mandatory nature or only the data necessary for the provision of services and for the purchase of products on www.villamannelli.it. We remind you that failure to provide optional personal data will not entail any obligation or disadvantage for our users.

To whom we communicate your personal data

Personal data may be made available to third companies that perform, on behalf of Villa Mannelli, specific services, as Data Processors or communicated to other recipients of data collected by Villa Mannelli – whose names will be specified from time to time – , which treats the data independently only to execute the contract for the purchase of products on www.villamannelli.it (such as at Che Banca !, for the execution of remote electronic payment services, by credit card / debt, if you decide to purchase a product on www.villamannelli.it) and only when such purpose is not incompatible with the purposes for which your data was collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, in compliance with the law. The data will not be communicated, transferred or otherwise transferred to other third parties, without the users being informed in advance and, with their consent, when this is required by law.

How we collect your data on www.villamannelli.it

Villa Mannelli collects personal data and other information directly from its users as part of online registration processes at www.villamannelli.it or sending order forms for the purchase of products on the website for the conclusion of electronic commerce transactions. This data is processed by Villa Meléte within the limits and for the purposes illustrated in the information presented to the user in the specific data collection section, including the possible communication to third parties for instrumental purposes to provide the service requested by the user, as specified in paragraph 5. Villa Mannelli reserves the right to delete the accounts of registered users and all related data, in the event that illegal content is detected, damaging the image of Villa Mannelli, and / or the products of the latter or of third parties, or otherwise offensive content or that promote illegal or defamatory activities, pornographic content that incites violence, that promotes discrimination related to race, sex, religion and sexual orientation.

Security measures

We have adopted security measures in order to minimize the risk of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the collection purposes indicated in our Privacy Policy. However, Villa Meléte cannot guarantee its users that the measures taken for the security of the website and the transmission of data and information on www.villamannelli.it limit or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or of data being lost. We advise you to make sure that your computer is equipped with adequate software devices to protect the transmission of data on the network, both incoming and outgoing (like updated antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider has taken appropriate measures for the security of data transmission on the network (such as firewalls and anti-spam filters).

Opt-in/Opt out

Villa Mannelli also uses your personal data for sending advertising and direct marketing material or other commercial communications, including via e-mail: if the advertising concerns products similar to those already purchased, Villa Mannelli can send it to your e-mail address even without your express consent, provided that you have not refused such use at the time of providing your e-mail or on subsequent occasions (art. 130, paragraph 4, d. lgs 196/2003), while it will be necessary to Your express and free consent to make it permissible for Villa Mannelli to send advertising e-mails relating to products of a different genre than those you have already purchased. Villa Mannelli can process your data without your consent to provide the services to you. that you voluntarily requested (such as for sending the Newsletter). Whenever you need your consent, we will inform you in advance and give you the possibility to provide or deny your consent for the use of your personal data, for these purposes, including your e-mail address, by clicking on special checkboxes. We wish to inform you that Villa Mannelli can process your personal data also in absence of your consent in some cases provided for by the law, such as, for example, when this is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation or when it is necessary to execute the obligations assumed contractually towards users (such as, for example, in the case you have purchased products on www.villamannelli.it or you have requested to use specific services through our website). In any case, we wish to inform you that Villa Mannelli guarantees its users to exercise, at any time and without giving reasons, their right to not receive communications related to the use of particular services on request in the future.

Your right to access data and other rights

You always have the right to obtain from Villa Mannelli confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form. You also have the right to obtain information from Villa Mannelli about the origin of your personal data; the purpose and method of processing your personal data; the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; the identification details of the data controller and data processors; the indication of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as, for example, managers or persons in charge of processing. In part, this information is contained in our Privacy Policy; to learn more, you can send an e-mail to info@villamannelli.it. You always have the right to obtain from Villa Mannelli: a. updating, rectification or, when interested, the integration of your personal data, b. the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your personal data, processed in violation of the law, including those which need not be kept for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed; c. the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, even with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where such fulfillment proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate use of resources with respect to the protected right. You will, however, have the right to object in whole or in part: • for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection; of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising or direct marketing material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.You will be able to freely and at any time exercise your rights, provided it is within the limits of the law, with a request addressed to you to Villa Mannelli at the email address info@villamannelli.it, to which we will provide appropriate feedback.

Links to other websites

www.villamannelli.it contains links to other websites that may have no connection with www.villamannelli.it or with Villa Mannelli.Villa Mannelli does not control or monitor such websites and their contents. Villa Mannelli will not be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them with regard to your privacy and the processing of your personal data during your navigation operations. We therefore ask you to pay attention when you connect to these websites, through the links on our website and to read carefully their terms of use and privacy regulations. The Privacy Policy of www.villamannelli.it does not apply to third party websites nor is Villa Mannelli in any way responsible for the privacy policy applied by said websites. Www.villamannelli.it provides links to these websites solely to facilitate ‘user in the search and in his own navigation and to facilitate the hyperlink on the Internet to other websites. The activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or notification of Villa Mannelli for accessing and browsing these websites, nor any guarantee regarding their contents, services or goods supplied by them and sold to Internet users.


If you wish to receive more information on how Villa Mannelli treats your personal data, please write an e-mail to the following e-mail address: info@villamannelli.it. To know your rights and be up to date on the legislation regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, we recommend that you visit the website of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data at http://www.garanteprivacy.it /

Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and in particular by the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Article 13 of European Regulation 679/2016) which governs the processing of personal data – including those held abroad – carried out by anyone who is a resident or is based in Italy or through instruments located in Italy. The Code guarantees that the processing of personal data is carried out in respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy of www.villamelete.com

Villa Mannelli can modify or simply update, in whole or in part, the Privacy Policy of www.villamannelli.it also in consideration of the modification of the laws or regulations that regulate this matter and protect your rights. Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy of www.villamannelli.it will be notified to users on the Home page of www.villamannelli.it as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on the website in this section. Therefore, you are requested to regularly access this section to verify the publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy of www.villamannelli.it.